
Facial fracture

1.      nasalorbitalethmoid fracture(NOE fracture)

Blunt force directly over the nasal pyramid.

Commonly bilateral, but 1/3 unilateral.

The nasoorbitoethmoid (NOE) complex is the confluence of the frontal sinus, ethmoid sinuses, anterior cranial fossa, orbits, frontal bone, and nasal bones.

Long-term sequelae of NOE fractures include blindness, telecanthus, enophthalmos, midface retrusion, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) fistula, anosmia, epiphora, sinusitis, and nasal deformity.

medial canthal tendon: 分為anterior, posterior,以及superior三個部份,包住lacrimal sac


Orbicularis oculi:分為pretarsal, preseptal,以及orbital portion三個部份

都是源自於medial canthal tendon,中止於lateral canthal tendon(除了orbital portion)

 Orbicularis oculi  


Type 1: single segment central fracture with medial canthal tendon attached.

Type 2: comminuted fracture with medial canthal tendon attached.

Type 3: comminuted fracture with avulsed medial canthal tendon



-Loss of dorsal-nasal prominence

-Glabellar, periorbital, nasal ecchymosis

-Telecanthus>35mm(眼距過寬,normal 30~32mm)

-Bowstring test: lateral traction of lower eyelid will result in telecanthus if ligament is disrupted.

-Rhinorrhea: avoid CSF leakage

-Olfactory disturbance


2.      maxillary fracture(LeFort Fracture)


Le Fort I Fracture = Horizontal Fracture


Facial edema

Malocclusion of the teeth

Motion of the maxilla while the nasal bridge remains stable


Le Fort II Fracture = Pyramidal Fracture


Marked facial edema

Nasal flattening

Traumatic telecanthus

Epistaxis or CSF rhinorrhea

Movement of the upper jaw and the nose.


Le Fort III Fractures = Craniofacial Separation 


Dish faced deformity

Epistaxis and CSF rhinorrhea

Motion of the maxilla, nasal bones and zygoma

Severe airway obstruction 

 LeFort Fracture  

 LeFort Fracture2  


3.      mandibular fracture

 mandibular fracture  

 mandibular fracture2  

4.      Orbital Fractures

(1). Composed of 7 bones:

Zygoma, sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, palatine, maxilla, lacrimal

(2). Weakest structure: medial wall

(3). Superior orbital fissure: CN3, 4, 5-1, 6

(4). Inferior orbital fissure: CN5-2, sphenopalatine ganglion, inferior ophthalmic vein


Superior orbital fissure(SOF) syndrome: fractures of the SOF result in

-fixed dilated pupil (CN 3)

-upper lid ptosis (CN 3)

-loss of corneal reflex (CN 5-1)

-ophthalmoplegia (CN 4,5-1)


Orbital apex syndrome: SOF syndrome+ impairment of optic nerve


Type of orbital fractures

1.      orbital floor (blow out): fractures most commonly occur at medial wall and floor of the orbit along the infraorbital groove. A fracture defect may entrap periorbital fat and possibly the inferior rectus muscle. 症狀: 1.眼週邊瘀血、腫  2.enophthalmos (若眼球仍oedema反而是proptosis)  3. infraorbital nerve anaesthesia (下眼瞼、臉頰、鼻側、上唇、上牙齦) 4.複視: 多為 vertical diplopia  5.orbital emphysema (嚴重時由sinus)


2.      orbital roof (blow in): rare, due to protection by the supraorbital rimand frontal bone. If injury to the supraorbital artery can result in a retrobulbar hematoma.


Surgical indications

-early enophthalmos>2mm

-symptomatic diplopia>2 weeks

-displaced fracture with floor defect>1 cm2

-hypoglobus: low vertical lying globe

-positive forced duction test

-oculocardiac response: nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, and syncope

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